Food Drive a Success!

Our food drive last Sunday was a roaring success! We ended up delivering 238 pounds of food to the Springfield Open Pantry! So many generous and friendly donors, and of course, our group was amazing in the effort. We even brought in some kids! My son and Alan’s two kids staffed the tables, greeted the shoppers/donors, and purchased food inside the store with cash donations.
We even had a Springfield Republican reporter come to interview us and take our photos. The article will be published in the next month or so.
All our members that worked at the event affirmed that it was such a worthwhile, fulfilling event…. as our food drives ALWAYS ARE!
Christine Thibodeau, CPA



EBBE always puts on a rockin’ food drive.  Lots of laughter, welcome, and tons of donations!  This upcoming drive will be  no exception.  Please join us at the collection tables or to donate on Sunday, February 16 from noon to 2pm at the East Longmeadow Stop and Shop.

Realize Your Dreams!

If you can dream it, you can make it happen! Many of us are in business for ourselves because of a talent driven by passion. If we have a dream related to our business, it is a good sign that we are in the right field. In our last EBBE meeting, we practiced ways to make our dreams a reality by using group input in a supportive brainstorming session. The framework to follow can be written or verbal:
-Describe your dream in technicolor, hold nothing back.
-What have you tried so far to make it a reality?
-What roadblocks did you encounter?
-What do you need to make it happen?
-Is there a particular person or kind of person who could help?
-If money, physics, time, etc were no object, what would it take?
-What would you do if you knew you COULDN’T FAIL?
To try it on for size, our group chose the dream of hosting educational seminars that would bring in enthusiastic prospects and closed business. In the spirit of mutual respect and support, we kept our comments honest yet constructive. The recipients of the critiques and suggestions agreed to take them in the spirit intended, to help encourage growth.
I personally had a dream when I started my business, and the first year or so it seemed like I would have to change or water down my dream to fit what I was seeing, but then, all of a sudden, I started landing the type of business that fit my original dream… so, I urge you, ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR DREAMS.
-Christine Thibodeau, CPA, Springfield, Massachusetts, member EBBE

EBBE Minutes 6-6-13

Weekly meeting held at Glenmeadow, June 6, 2013, 7:15-8:30 am. Our meetings are now held on the second floor Harris Living Room.

Members & applicants present: Norm Corigliano, Alan Druckenmiller, Dick Forrest, Tracy Goodman, Sydney Hirsch, Jeffrey Rahn, Christine Thibodeau, Deborah Whitford

Members absent: Lamont Johnson, Kim Majane, David Rosen


Alan called meeting to order and members gave their 1-minute introductions

20-minute presentation:

Dick Forest read notes from a online presentation about social media statistics as they relate to business. Social Media has grown by 713% in seven years. If you aren’t using social media in some form to promote your business, you are not reaching all your potential customers. Dick will email the group the online presentation.

Referrals: Deborah for Alan

Testimonial: Jeff for Kathy Bowan (former member)

Announcements:  Alan and Sydney will be away for next meeting. Deborah will chair the 6/13 meeting. Jeff will follow up with JCC to arrange for a meeting for our lunch event on 6/20.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30am.

Respectively submitted by Deborah Whitford